Friday, March 21, 2008

3 Months to go

Another month done. Time is starting to speed up...and run out. I know that it is still 3 months, but it doesn't seem that long.

Scott admitted to talking about me to the pregnant women that he works with. His comment as to if I complain:

Scott: "How about you tell me when you DON'T have heartburn or a sore tailbone?"

He of course hadn't told ME that he thought I was complaining a lot. Now I know, and haven't said a word since...well, I've tried not to say a word. But really, how would he share in the pregnancy if I didn't tell him about all of its joys?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, how can he share in the experience if he doesn't fully understand what you're feeling? I don't usually complain to others, but I feel that since Darrell had a major part in this pregnancy, he should know what I'm going through to carry it through:)