Friday, February 22, 2008

4 Months to go

Another doctor visit today. I was a little nervous about the weighing in, but after the flu this week that was no problem. In fact, she told me to eat more! Who doesn't want to hear that?! She knows I'm not aiming for a 11 or 12 pounder, but still wants to see more calories. I'll get right on that.

Everything else checked out great. Next month is my glucose test. I remember that not being too bad with Henry so I'm hoping it turns out the same way this time.

1 comment:

MiniMe Mom said...

I am longing for the days they told me to eat. At 20 weeks, I was down 1 lb from my original weight...but, oh, it came on fast after that! Amazing how fast 20lbs comes!

You are looking great and it was fun to see you again this morning.